Wednesday 17 August 2011

Our way to success

You must have heard many people say things like “failures are a part of life and its the one who stands up again is the winner”, “never give in”, “failures are stepping stones to success”, the story of the spider, etc. Excellent suggestions but these things are easier said than done. Life at MDI has taught me the practicality of these sayings.

Started with the Mahindra War Room, all excited and charged up to crack the first competition that we have registered for, we started the work but the excitement died down within 2 weeks. All of us in the team were back to our usual schedule and the thought of the War Room was long lost. We never submitted our entry.

Second came the Avalon case study, this time we did submit our presentation. The idea however (what we thought) lacked in depth investigation and clarity. We did not stand a chance and as predicted we were not selected for the next round.

The breakthrough however came in the form of KPMG International Case study competition. Worked hard for the first elimination round and got selected to present ourselves before the KPMG panellists.4 teams selected for the 2nd round were given a case study to solve in 3 hours which had to be later presented before the KPMG judges. We were well prepared but we did not clear the round, however we learned several things which I can definitely say are the stepping stones for our success. Firstly, the importance of delegation and team work when you have to deliver in a limited time. Secondly, be clear of whatever you are presenting: one idea can define your destiny. Thirdly, telling WHAT to do is easy but it is HOW you plan to do it which is more important (this has become our motto for all future analysis!). The rejection was a setback and it definitely is difficult to accept failures and move on but we did and we actually never lost hope!

Next came Avaya, our first move towards success. We have not looked back thereafter. We were the second runners up and climbing the ladder of success, we stood first runners up in our next competition organized by Schneider (GoGreenInTheCity).

The climb up the ladder has been slow but it has made us learn the best we could in our MBA life. Analysing a problem from all angles and providing the most optimum solution keeping into consideration all the company stakeholders is a very important aspect of any study. Next comes the competitor analysis. Thus, starting from ground zero we have come a long way.

Targeting our next competitions, we are sure to bag the winner’s title this time!!

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